The Alaska Black Chamber of Commerce is designed to assist new and existing black businesses operating in ALL AREAS of the state of Alaska by building strong business and community relationships, accessing existing and new opportunities, and cultivating a culture of dialogue and progress.
Who May Join:
Businesses 51% black owned or more
All black businesses with a State of Alaska business license
Black businesses without a state of Alaska business license can be an “associate member”
If you are not a black owned business but would like to show support and solidarity consider becoming a "black business supporter"
For more information, e-mail info@alaskablackchamber.com or call 907-602-5297
President, Jasmin Smith, Baby Vend / Umoja Coworking
Vice President, Lenise Casey, Inheritance Matters Insurance Agency
Treasurer, Derrick Green, Waffles and Whatnot
Secretary, Kayla Green, Team KG Realty
Board Member, Edward Wesley, Business Community Ally
Board Member, Diamond Chisolm, Kingz Enterprises
Board Member, Sophia Metters, Envision EES
Partners: 49 State Fund & Small Business Administration
Would you like to to join us? Check out our "Join Us" tab to learn more!