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Even though I was born in Anchorage, AK I can’t imagine a life without music. I have been a listener of hip hop music since my early days.My parents knew I loved music but would always test my passion for it by telling me, “Rap is just a fad boy!” or “Rap won’t be around forever!” Regardless I knew they supported me in their own way because when I did my first show they were right there supporting me.My mother and father had a huge record collection.  I stayed going through the records trying to find hot samples and concepts for songs I wanted to make.  They stayed in my ass about being in their collection but I didn’t care.  I had a vision. I had ideas and concepts and like a mad scientist I had to get into the lab and create. My father passed away after being in a coma for a year.  It was God and music that helped me get through it. I started hanging out with friends and the likes of many hustlers that were heavy in the streets selling drugs and getting into all types of trouble.  I saw how easy it was to make money and got addicted to the fast cash.  Killa would always tell me to be careful. I graduated from high school and moved to Seattle, WA to pursue my dream.  I hooked up with my homeboy Julio who was also a producer.  Since we were roommates we were able to stay in the studio 24/7. I was making music like it was my last chance to do so. Unfortunately I didn’t get any of the connects I thought I would get. Things got bad and money got low so I wound up taking a few dead end jobs. 


My money was funny and my change was strange so I went back to doing what I knew best to get some fast cash. I did eventually get caught up and let go due to lack of evidence.  I had enough of Washington and moved back to Alaska. I went back to grinding in the streets and doing my music.  I moved in with the mother of my daughter and did what I had to do. A lot of people rap about selling drugs and the lifestyle that comes with it but actually have no idea.  I was rapping about it while I was living it.  I had trap houses, people working for me and protecting me while I handled my business. Back in the days selling drugs appeared to be fun.  Now I was watching people get hurt, killed and going to jail for what seems like forever so it was not a game to me anymore. Eventually I flew back to Seattle to record my first CD To Each His Own.  That was a classic to me.  I was so proud of that CD. I was the first one in Alaska to even make a CD.  I thought I was in my prime but I wasn’t even close. I started kicking it with another woman who would be the mother of my son while the relationship with my daughter’s mother was falling apart.  Man, at this point life was crazy and moving fast.  I’m trying to get a hold on to things with music, hustling in the streets, being a family man and being  confused about other things in my mix so I wrote about everthing I was going through like i was an author of a novel.


I got caught up again by selling to an informant.  My fate would be 9 years in federal prison.  Being locked up in jail wasn’t easy for me or my family.  Everybody seems to have big dreams in the game but the truth is there is never a happy ending when it comes down to it.  Every day is a life risking chance in the streets. Freedom is priceless. Believe that!! When I was sentenced and sent to Sheridan, I soon discovered music was a real big deal in there so I was able to write and make songs and perform at every yard I was sent to. My rep in the Federal System started to spread fast as a talented artist. The hardest time in jail for me was when my mother passed away.  I took for granted that she would always be there. Every day isn’t promised to you and I had to learn that the hard way.  There were plenty of times I didn’t think I would make it home between all the riots and craziness going on, but once again it was God and writing that got me through it.  As soon as I got home I did what I had to do to catch back up with all that was going on.  Man, when I got home it was good to see all my people again especially my closest homeboys Killa Dog, Mannish Da Jula and Iroc Omega. I went right back to doing what I do best, MUSIC.

I got right in the studio and started doing shows instantly to get back in rotation.  I opened up for such artists as Big Daddy Kane, Slick Rick, Dougie Fresh, Kurtis Blow, Sugar Hill Gang, and And Whodini.  I believe in paying homage to the originators of hip hop so it was an honor to even be around them. Alaska is filled with talent artist that I have worked with.  Madam Blaze, josh Boots, Jack Frost, Frank Dollar, SPOONZ, King Leo, Trigger, Pedarock, LME, Young Remy, Gemini, Tashanne, Simply Danny, Muldoon Manny, Phenom, and Dutchess Merlot.  Producers Reggie Ward, Raw Beats, Big Body, DNA, and SlimmKeyz and Videographers T Mash and Melli Mell and graphic designer Critical. I love working with everyone who shares my insatiable passion for music. I don’t want to be one of those artists who get lazy with their craft.  You have to stay relevant no matter what or you will get left behind.Killa, Iroc, Mannish and I decided to form a group called the Defensive Line.  We had a big dream to put together a super group of 4 of the most talented artists in Alaska who have been in the game for a while. I thought how can we lose? It was hard for us to get together on a regular basis with everyone moving in different directions so Iroc and I decided to form another group called Omega Jones.  We immediately mad an EP called The Relevance EP and it was a pretty big hit in the town getting heavy rotation. I decided to form another group with Killa in the middle of the Omega Jones project with Iroc Omega due to “creative differences and miscellaneous shady activity” on Iroc side. 


Mystro Jones and Killa Dog would be collectively known as Unbreakable. This group I hold above all of my accomplishment s and journeys in music. Killa would always ask about my music no matter what was going on in life or whatever happened to whoever.  He seemed to care about my music more than anybody else.  His presence throughout my life showed and proved it. Killa Dog is my brother and we work well together even thought we are like night and day. There is nothing better than being in the studio with family. He has always been a part of my life as I grew up and knew we would collaborate when the time was right.  There is a time for everything and right now is our time. I’m asked often what my style is or how would I describe my music.  I say I’m versatile.  I will talk about your life, my life, life in general, females, family, and my bars will be filled with clever punch lines and metaphors.  There is no limit on what I will talk about because I love music that much. Writing continues to be therapeutic for me. At this point my motivation to continue doing music is my daughter and my son. My son Lord Jones is one of the most talented artists in his generation to ever do it.  He writes his own material and appears on Unbreakable’s first CD Wild Life Music.  He impressed me with his delivery and flow.  He has clever word play with an original style that comes off clean. Both him and I have the same dream.  I’m doing this for him and I’m on a mission to put Alaska on the map. After numerous trials and tribulations, the loss of both parents, years in the streets and a long prison bid, as on half of Unbreakable, I am now ready to show the world what Mystro Jones is all about. I am definitely in my prime."
                                                                                                               -  Mystro Jones



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